Monday, March 3, 2014

Just Like Her Dad

The Lord has blessed me and my wife with three lovely daughters. Everyday, seeing them having little parts of me - the way they sleep, the way they eat - gives me a higher level of joy. A classic one is when my twins pretend to be asleep on the couch or on our bed just so I will be forced to carry them to their own bed. I still have a clear memory of me doing that when I was young.

Our youngest, 10 months old, brings so much joy to us as to her Ate and Ditse (oldest and second older sister). Everytime someone compliments her beautiful eyebrows, lips and face, I feel an unexplainable sense of happiness.

I remember an instance when I brought her with me and while in a bus, somebody said, "Look at her. She's so cute." I responded, "Just like her dad." I use that line whenever a friend or even a stranger appreciates her beauty. I know it sounds a little braggy but I've heard more from proud parents and I understand them (now).

Not only am I a father but also a child. I sometimes wonder if I give my Father in heaven at least the same level of confidence that would cause Him to utter, "Just like his Dad," with the things I do and say.

"Did I make my heavenly father proud of what I did today?" I know it's never easy but being created in His own image is enough reason for me to try to be who He wants me to be.

I am a child of God. As a father of my daughters, I understand how good it is to have children who represent me (regardless if I see them or not) in a good way.

May we stay under His will as He generously gives us the grace and the privilege to be called His children. May it not hurt God everytime people say we are who we are, "Just like our Dad."

Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. 
-1 Corinthians 11:1

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